Improving Safety Committee Effectiveness
November 20, 2018
An effective safety committee is an important part of developing and maintaining a successful safety program. Unfortunately, companies sometimes have disorganized or unfocused safety committees, which can lead to poor safety results. So what can safety professionals do to fix an ineffective committee?
The Problem
The first thing to do is to find out why the safety committee seems ineffective. One possible reason may be that the committee doesn’t have specific goals or meeting plans. Without a solid plan, safety committee meetings can seem to go nowhere and produce nothing.
Interest in the safety committee’s goals is also necessary for reaching those goals. If members don’t have the knowledge or interest to address safety concerns, the safety committee might not make any progress.
One simple step in starting to improve effectiveness is to change the perception of the committee itself. This step can be as simple as changing the name of the committee to something different, such as Safety Solutions Team. Committees can often have a negative perception, so removing “committee” from the name can be an easy way to improve the committee’s image.
Another step in making a safety committee more effective is to structure it in a way that makes it easier to achieve results. Setting specific safety and health goals and maintaining support for them can keep the committee focused, leading to better, more consistent outcomes.
Making sure that the committee is an appropriate size for the organization can also help keep the committee on track. Too many members can pull too many people away from other tasks. Members might feel like their voices aren’t being heard, and committee operations can get bogged down. On the other hand, if the committee is too small, the members may become stretched too thin, and their input and effectiveness can also be limited.
Finally, keeping strict meeting times and organized agendas can keep committee meetings focused on results. Using a pre-determined agenda can help meetings stick to the timeline by laying out important topics and allowing members to know and review those topics before the meeting starts. Sticking to a timeline can help prevent meetings from being diverted from the main goals, which can produce better, faster results.
Safety committees produce the best results when the members are well-equipped to achieve results. There are several factors to consider to enhance members’ abilities to work well within the committee. One factor is team size, which can vary from one organization to the next. As mentioned above, it is important ensure that the team has an appropriate number of members for an individual organization. This number can depend on the specific goals of the team, the size of the organization, the ability for the members to work together effectively, and other considerations.
Specialized training can provide members with the knowledge and ability they need to make the most of the committee. Trainings can focus on working within group dynamics, conflict resolution, minimizing team weaknesses, understanding safety protocols, and more. Finding ways for workers to use what they already know is another way to improve effectiveness. For example, someone who is a volunteer firefighter might want to focus on fire safety concerns. This person could use that experience to help develop better solutions for fire safety concerns.
Active involvement from management is another factor that can help drive better outcomes from the safety committee. If employees see that management is committed to real and effective safety programs, they may be encouraged to take their safety responsibilities more seriously. Likewise, recognizing and rewarding committee members’ accomplishments can have the same effect.
Well-managed and well-organized safety committees run by skilled, passionate members can produce great results. Effective and comprehensive safety programs protect workers and keep them informed and educated on the best safety practices. A results-focused safety committee can be the key to a truly successful safety program.
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